Basics of C++ with Data Structures and Algorithms

C++ is a powerful programming language that is widely used in various domains such as
system/software development, game development, and high-performance applications. It
combines the features of both high-level and low-level programming languages, providing
fine control over system resources and memory. C++ is the backbone of many applications
and systems, making it a vital skill for developers aiming to work in industries requiring
efficient and robust software solutions.

This is the course to pick if you are just getting into coding and want to build a strong foundation. Widely used in competitive programming.

C++ programs are directly compiled into machine-executable codes which consumes less time to execute the code. Hence, it is widely used in competitive programming where you are expected to optimise time and memory. So, if you are interested to explore competitive programming then it is good to start with C++ language

Build a strong foundation by becoming an expert at Data Structures & impress recruiters to land great jobs.


3 months


399 USD

C++ Full Syllabus and Course Overview

1. Introduction to C++
• Basics of C++ Programming
• C++ Syntax and Structure
• Data Types and Variables

2. Control Flow
• Conditional Statements (if, switch)
• Loops (for, while, do-while)
• Break and Continue

3. Functions
• Function Declaration and Definition
• Function Overloading
• Default Arguments and Inline Functions

4. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
• Classes and Objects
• Abstract Classes and Interfaces
• Inheritance, Encapsulation, and Polymorphism

5. Pointers and Dynamic Memory Management
• Introduction to Pointers
• Dynamic Memory Allocation (new, delete)
• Smart Pointers (unique_ptr, shared_ptr)

6. Data Structures
• Arrays, Linked Lists, Stacks, and Queues
• Introduction to STL (Standard Template Library)
• Vectors and Lists

7. File Handling
• Reading and Writing Files
• Working with Text and Binary Files
• Error Handling in File Operations

8. Templates and Exception Handling
• Function Templates and Class Templates
• Exception Handling (try, catch, throw)
• Standard Exception Classes

9. Advanced Topics
• Multithreading and Concurrency
• Lambda Expressions
• Introduction to Design Patterns

10. Real-World C++ Projects
• Developing Applications using C++
• Case Studies and Portfolio Development

Lets Work Together

No matter whatever career path you choose in the field of computer science, data structures and algorithms lies at the root of it

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